All seas are purified at the full moon[1]; some also at stated
periods. At Messina and Mylæ refuse matter, like dung[2],
is cast up on the shore, whence originated the story of the
oxen of the Sun having had their stable at that place. To
what has been said above (not to omit anything with which
I am acquainted) Aristotle adds, that no animal dies except
when the tide is ebbing. The observation has been often
made on the ocean of Gaul; but it has only been found true
with respect to man[3].
1. It has been suggested, with some plausibility, that the greater height
of the tides at this period will cause a greater quantity of matter to be
cast on shore. This circumstance is referred to by Seneca, Nat. Quæst.
iii. 26; and by Strabo.
2. Alexandre observes on this supposed fact, "Algarum molles quædam
species intelligendæ sunt, quæ convolutæ et marcidæ in littus
ejiciuntur." Lemaire, i. 432.
3. It may cause some surprise to find that such an opinion has been
entertained even in modern times; but more correct observation has
shown it to be without foundation. Lemaire.